Thursday, February 10, 2011

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2011

To really get my year in books off the ground, I've decided to take part in some of the reading challenges out there on some book blogs.  The first one I've decided to join should be a breeze for me, since historical fiction is my favorite kind of fiction.  So I'm very excited to throw my hat in the ring for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge 2011!

I've decided to sign up at the "Severe Bookaholic" level, which means completing 20 books between now and December 31.  I'm confident I can do that many (possibly more!), and I've even got started on my to-read list.  So, in no particular order (links go to each book's page on goodreads):

  1. The Bookman by Lavie Tidhar ✓
  2. The Pirate Devlin by Mark Keating ✓
  3. The Orchid Affair by Lauren Willig ✓
  4. Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak, translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky
  5. Queen Hereafter by Susan Fraser King
  6. Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran
  7. The Anatomy of Ghosts by Andrew Taylor
  8. The Wake of the Lorelei Lee by L.A. Meyer
  9. The Spanish Bride by Georgette Heyer
  10. The Wrong Blood by Manuel de Lope
  11. Juliet by Anne Fortier ✓
  12. Poison by Sara Poole ✓
  13. Prophecy by S. J. Parris
  14. The Lady's Slipper by Deborah Swift

... and that's all for now, just going off my current library stack and the books on my shelf.  Others will be added in time but half the list chosen this early in the year is a pretty good start.

Fresh blog, fresh start!

Here I am in a new location, ready to start my reading year in a new place.  I might try to migrate old posts from the livejournal I used to keep as a reading log, but for now I'm just focusing on getting this new one off the ground.  If you're reading this, welcome and thank you very much for visiting!